Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tags til Christmas

Here are some of the tags I made for the teachers. Several are just plain stamped and others I punched or colored in. They were fun to make and I hope they like them. I tried to vary colors some too, but it's hard to see in this picture. The santa suit is Riding hood red, Navy is the snowman, Concord is the ornament, Cherry cobbler is the ornament, Pear is Dec 25th and olive is the main color of the tree limb as well as chocolate and espresso. Before putting them into the bags I punched holes and added linen thread or the retired su silver cording to hang them.
The hardest was the Santa suit, coloring in the black on the belt took some time, especially around the buckle. I ended up cheating on the buttons and used my Crop-o-dile to punch out some black circles. I hope you enjoy my tag share today. Have a warm and great day.

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