Monday, July 20, 2009

stenciling on albums

Did you know you can stencil on albums? I did on mine, except I'm experimenting with mine still. When I started I made it too dark as I pushed really hard on in to make sure I got it good. But then I realized that I liked it better doing it lightly. So the middle is dark and the outer parts are lighter, but I prefer the lighter areas. So now I'm debating putting the flower in the center like the top picture. What do you think, do you like the flower? If I add the flower I might change to white ribbon too as that white satin ribbon looked pretty good held up to the album with the flower, so that might be another option. So here is one of the bigger projects I worked on. It's hard to see in the picture but I colored some highlights in olive and white and the rest is done in chocolate chip. I have another stencil for my other album. I'll have to try that one next. It's a natural color album. I might try rust on it. I'll have to see.
So hope you enjoyed my project and you'll have to tell me your preference if you like the flower or not. Have a great day today.

Here is what I used for this:
inks: craft - chocolate chip, old olive; white gel pen
accessories - dauber, chocolate chip 1" ribbon, adornment stencil

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