Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hoppy Memories 12x12 pages part 2

Here is another two page spread that I did using the Hoppy Memories sskit. There are a couple items I wanted to point out about these pages.
First off everything on the pages without the pictures are from the actual sskit. I did add some items later, but the blanks are from the kit itself (with the addition of kraft background paper.)
All the pages were placed on the kraft paper. I don't think I said that before.

So here is the first page. Nothing real elaborate here, just a normal page layout. The white strip is a border sticker from the kit.

Here is the page after I added some pictures The differences are that I added a rub-on from the bright delights rub-on directly onto the picture. Did you know you could do that? Above my daughter's head you can see the word delight and it matches perfectly. Also on this page is a little piece of ribbon (from Pig Tails again). That ribbon is attached to a journaling piece where I talk about how my daughter felt like the jellyfish were following her because every where she went they seemed to go too. I'm sure it was a coincidence, but it was funny. Either way it delighted her.

This page went across from the other one above. One thing I added extra to this page is a kiwi corduroy button on the star. The middle of the button was bare and we don't have string or yarn to match. Instead of hunting around in my craft room for some, I actually took a very thin piece of cardstock and fed it through the holes and it gave just a little bit of color and filled the holes. Pretty quick and easy. So I hope you enjoy my couple of tips for the day and have a really great day today. Don't forget to take a moment and delight in the wonderful blessing we have everyday. :)

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