Friday, June 26, 2009

Just beachy fish card

I'm sorry, but this card just cracked me up when I got done with it. It made me laugh so much. I think this set is cute. I need to make some scrap pages with it. We have lots of aquarium pictures as well as lake pics to go with it. I needed a laugh today as I've been worried about a couple of my friends that haven't been feeling well or who have been down today. So it was a a fun project to get completed.

Yes I ended up cutting out all the fish, but they weren't hard to do, except the one with teeth. His teeth would have been harder, but I got around that by making him jump out of the water. But with the saying I thought he went well with it, so it worked. It's a little hard to see in the pic but I sponged on some faux clouds in the background too as well as on the big "cloud" with the words. I made the choppy water with my circle punch. I thought it came out kind of cute too as that's the first time I had done that one. So I hope you enjoy my little card today and take time to laugh today as there are a ton of blessings out there when we look around. God bless.

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